L’équipe – April 23, 2024

John Textor, president of Botafogo and OL, who was questioned by the Brazilian Senate the day before yesterday after accusing Palmeiras of corruption, provided evidence that seemed to convince the parliamentarians. READ MORE All...

L’Equipe – February 29, 2024

Referees face a huge challenge: while certain decisions continue to provoke debate, companies are claiming to bring total objectivity to disputed game situations thanks to advances in artificial intelligence. And they are pushing the refereeing profession to defend...

Sudinfo – February 5, 2024

Rigged betting has become the mafia’s favorite playground, with astronomical profits at stake. In response to this scourge, AI is being used to detect cheats on the ground, in real time, using algorithms. Here’s how it works. READ MORE All...

Free ligue 1, Aug 12, 2023

New wrinkle 23/24: From now on, an AI will inspect all the refereeing decisions of our Live Free match and will note the referee. It will also give its verdict on the important decisions of the match. READ MORE All...