Professional clubs services


Match Fixing detection and prevention

    • We implement advanced monitoring systems to proactively identify and prevent match fixing activities involving players and referees to maintain the integrity of the game.

    Analysis and detailed information of Incorrect Referee Decisions (IRD)

    • We provide clubs with detailed information about referee decisions, enabling them to take appropriate actions to protect their interests and ensure a fair ranking system.

    Live refereeing decision assessment

    • We provide our clients with live feedback on referee incorrect decision along with supporting explanations and images. It enables clubs to manage refereeing decisions in real-time and to respond promptly and effectively during matches.

    Indisputable scientific evidence

    • We provide indisputable scientific evidence to plead cases in the event of a player’s suspension (red card).

    Professional clubs benefits

    Increase your revenue

    • Attract more sponsors: By ensuring the integrity of matches and providing performance evaluations, you create a trustworthy environment that can attract more sponsors willing to invest.
    • Boost TV rights : Enhanced match integrity and high-quality refereeing lead to more engaging and fair competitions, making your league more appealing to broadcasters and increasing the value of TV rights.
    • Increase betting activity: Reliable and transparent match outcomes encourage sports betting operators to offer more betting options, thereby generating higher revenues from partnerships with betting companies.

      Develop clubs & fans confidence

      • Remain loyal to a league or federation that is committed to fair play and transparency, leading to higher attendance at games and increased merchandise sales.
      • Enhance club reputation: Clubs benefit from participating in a league known for its integrity and fair play, which can attract better talent, more sponsorship deals, and a stronger fan base.
      • Promote fair competition: When fans and clubs see consistent and fair refereeing, it builds confidence in the sport’s governance, promoting a positive environment that supports long-term growth.

       Support referees training

      • Improve referee skills: Regular performance evaluations and feedback help referees continuously improve their skills, leading to better decision-making on the field.
      • Ensure high-quality refereeing: Well-trained referees contribute to higher quality officiating in matches, reducing errors and ensuring that the outcomes of matches are determined by players’ performance rather than by inaccuracies.